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Default Unopposed Uncontested Order Granting Relief From Automatic Stay (Houston) Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Default Unopposed Uncontested Order Granting Relief From Automatic Stay (Houston), O-300, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
Form O-300 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS HOUSTON DIVISION In re: � � Case No. (Chapter __) DEFAULT/UNOPPOSED/UNCONTESTED ORDER GRANTING RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY [AND CO-DEBTOR STAY, IF APPLICABLE] (This Order Resolves Docket #_____) [FORM TO BE FILED AT LEAST TWO DAYS, EXCLUDING INTERMEDIATE WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, BEFORE THE SCHEDULED HEARING IF NO RESPONSE HAS BEEN FILED] _______________ ("Movant") filed a motion for relief from the automatic stay [and the co-debtor stay, if applicable] against [describe property. If real property, must list street address and legal description.] (the "Property"). Movant represented to the Court that it had served the motion in accordance with all applicable rules and provided notice of the hearing. As certified by Movant's counsel, there is no effective opposition to the requested relief. Accordingly, the Court grants relief. It is ordered that Movant is granted relief from the automatic stay [and the co-debtor stay, if applicable] to pursue its state law remedies, including foreclosure, repossession and/or eviction with respect to the Property. ReservedForJudgeSignature IF NO OPPOSITION OR REQUEST FOR HEARING HAS BEEN FILED 7 DAYS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED HEARING ON THE MOTION TO LIFT STAY, MOVANT MAY COMPLETE AND FILE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION. IF THE CERTIFICATION IS MADE AT LEAST 2 DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING, (EXCLUDING INTERMEDIATE WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS), MOVANT NEED NOT ATTEND THE HEARING. THE COURT WILL EITHER ISSUE THE DEFAULT ORDER OR WILL RESCHEDULE THE HEARING IF THE COURT DETERMINES THAT A HEARING IS NEVERTHELESS NECESSARY. Counsel's Certification: Movant's motion for relief from the stay was served in accordance with applicable bankruptcy rules on ___________. I have reviewed the docket sheet in this case to confirm the accuracy of the statements in this certification. Any trustee response that has been filed reflects an absence of opposition. Additionally, I certify that (i) no response has been filed by the debtor or any creditor; (ii) although a response was filed, the only responses reflected an absence of opposition to the requested relief; or (iii) although a response was filed, the response did not deny ANY of the factual allegations in the motion. ________________________________________________ Movant's counsel signature Name: ____________________________________________ State Bar No.: ______________________________________ S.D. Tex. Bar No.: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ ______________ Date American LegalNet, Inc.