Order Granting Relief From Automatic Stay After Hearing (Houston)
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Order Granting Relief From Automatic Stay After Hearing (Houston) Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Order Granting Relief From Automatic Stay After Hearing (Houston), O-100, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
Form O-100 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS HOUSTON DIVISION In re: � � Case No. (Chapter __) ORDER GRANTING RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY [AND CO-DEBTOR STAY, IF APPLICABLE] AFTER HEARING [FORM SUBMITTED WITH ORIGINAL MOTION AND BROUGHT TO HEARING] (This Order Resolves Docket # ____) _______________ ("Movant") filed a motion for relief from the automatic stay against [describe property. If real property, must list street address and legal description.] (the "Property"). Movant represented to the Court that it had served the motion in accordance with all applicable rules and provided notice of the hearing. ____________ Although a response opposing the motion was filed, the respondent did not appear at the hearing. Therefore, the response is overruled for want of prosecution and the motion is granted. The debtor filed a response that the debtor was not opposed to the requested relief and no other party opposed the requested relief. The debtor filed a response that the debtor was unable to admit or deny the allegations, the debtor failed to appear at the hearing, and no other party opposed the requested relief. After hearing, and for the reasons stated on the record, relief from the stay is granted. No timely response was filed. default. Accordingly, the motion is granted by ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ As shown by Debtor(s)' counsel signature below, Debtor(s) have agreed to the requested relief. Accordingly, it is ordered that Movant is granted relief from the automatic stay [and the co-debtor stay] to pursue its state law remedies against the Property, including foreclosure, repossession and/or eviction. Additional rulings: ___________ ___________ Movant is awarded attorneys fees in the amount of $___________. The stay imposed by Bankruptcy Rule 4001(a)(3) does not apply for the reasons stated on the record. ReservedForJudgeSignature American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com