Attorney Registration For Electronic Case Filing
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Attorney Registration For Electronic Case Filing Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Attorney Registration For Electronic Case Filing, Texas Federal, Bankruptcy Court
United States Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas
I request that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas, issue me a
login and password so that I can electronically file using the Court's Electronic Case
Filing System (CM/ECF). I understand that the use of my login and password serves as
and constitutes my signature. I agree to protect and secure my password and I will
immediately notify the court if I have any reason to suspect that my password has been
compromised in any way. I further agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations in
the Administrative Procedures for Filing, Signing, and Verifying Pleadings and Papers by
Electronic Means currently in effect, and any changes or additions that may be made to
these procedures in the future.
Attorney Signature:
You can type directly on this PDF form or complete a blank form printing clearly using
blue or black ink. Optional fields are marked with an *. All registrations must be
submitted with an original signature. When completed, mail original to:
ECF Registration Desk
United States Bankruptcy Court
903 San Jacinto, Suite 322
Austin, TX 78701
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Firm Name:
Business Mailing Address:
Voice Phone Number:
Bar ID Number:
FAX Phone Number:
State :
Primary E-Mail Address:
NOTE: We must be able to contact you personally at this address.
Other E-Mail Address(s)*:
NOTE: Enter other address(s) for additional Notices of Electronic Filing to be sent.
Are you currently filing electronically in other BANKRUPTCY courts?
If so, which ones?
American LegalNet, Inc.