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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Abilene ________________ DIVISION (Name All Plaintiffs and Defendants) CIVIL NUMBER ___________________ Complete the following if judgment was rendered in another District: vs. District: _____________________ Docket Number: _____________________ Date Entered: _____________________ ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT In the above entitled and numbered cause a judgment was rendered in this Court, or other United States District Court as indicated above and registered herein, on the ____ day of ______________,______, in favor of ______________________________________________________________________________ against _________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ in the sum of $ ____________________________________________________ with interest at the rate of _____ per cent per annum from the ______ day of ____________, _______. Costs have been taxed by the Clerk of Court in the sum of $ ____________________________________. Credits reflected by returns on execution in the sum of $________________________________________. The address of the defendant shown in this suit in which said judgment was rendered:_________________ _____________________________________________________________________________or nature of citation and date and place citation served: _______________________________________________________________________________________. I certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct abstract of judgment rendered or registered in this Court. Witness my hand and seal of the Court this _____ day of ______________, 20____. KAREN MITCHELL, CLERK By ________________________ Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.