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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Plaintiff v. Defendant � � � � � � � � � Civil/Criminal Action No. REDACTION REQUEST - TRANSCRIPT Pursuant to Judicial Conference Policy, requests redaction of transcript(s) on file in this case: {Plaintiff/Defendant Name} (Please list the document, page, and line number and a redacted identifier for each redaction necessary; e.g., Doc. No. 15, Page 12, Line 9, Social Security No. to read xxx-xx-6130.) Document No. of Transcript Page No. Line No(s). Redacted Identifier American LegalNet, Inc. The undersigned understands that redaction of information other than personal identifiers listed below requires an order of the court. Social Security or taxpayer-identification number to the last four digits Date of birth to the year Name of an individual known to be a minor to the initials Financial account number to the last four digits Home address to the city and state (in a criminal case) Date: s/ Typed Name or Graphical Signature of Attorney Bar Number: Address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on {Date} , I electronically filed the foregoing with the clerk of court for the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, using the CM/ECF system which will send notification to case participants registered for electronic notice. I further certify that I have served all case participants not registered for electronic notice by another manner authorized by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5(b)(2). s/ Typed Name or Graphical Signature of Attorney NOTE: To electronically file this document, you will find the event in our Case Management (CM/ECF) system, under Civil or Criminal/Other Filings/Other Documents/Redaction Request - Transcript. American LegalNet, Inc.