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Application To Practice Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in District Court Federal.
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Tags: Application To Practice, Texas Federal, District Court
REVISED 06/2019Admission RequirementsSouthern District of TexasEligibility:To apply for admission, you must be licensed to practice law by the licensingauthority of one of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, or a Territory of theUnited States, and if licensed by a licensing authority other than the State of Texas,then an attorney must also be a member in good standing of a United States DistrictCourt (Local Rule 83.1(A)).Steps: Applicants must apply on the court222s prescribed form, include all necessarydocuments, and pay the application fee, if required.Workshop: Applicants must attend a workshop, unless they: Have reached the age of seventy.Reside out of the district and are a member of the bar of another UnitedStates District Court and have included a certificate of good standing fromthat court (dated within the last 90 days), and an executed Oath.Are a former circuit, district, bankruptcy, or magistrate judge.Have completed the current Federal Court Practice Seminar (online CLEoffered by the State Bar of Texas) and provide proof of completion with theirapplication. Workshops are generally held on the second Thursday of February, May, Augustand November. To guarantee admittance to a workshop, your application must bereceived 14 days prior to the workshop. CLE credit of 1.5 hours, which includes0.5 of ethics, will be given for attending the workshop. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION:Applications are submitted, including payment of admission fee, using our CM/ECF DocumentFiling System by following the instructions on the Southern District of Texas Attorney AdmissionsRequirements webpage.Notification:We will notify you when the court acts on your application. American LegalNet, Inc. Documents Required: Texas State Bar Memberand Resident of the Southern District of TexasTexas State Bar Memberand Non-Resident of theSouthern District of TexasNon-Texas State Bar Memberand Resident or Non-Residentof the Southern District1.The application and afee of $181. The application and a fee of$181.A certificate of goodstanding from another federalcourt (dated within the last 90days), or a certificate ofcompletion of the currentFederal Court Practice CLEoffered by the State Bar ofTexas.An executed Oath.* 1.The application and a fee of$181.2.A certificate of goodstanding from another federalcourt (dated within the last 90days).3.An executed Oath** (onlyapplies to non-residentapplicants.*Non-resident applicants MUST provide an executed Oath when submitting the application. TheOath must be administered before a judicial officer of the United States. Please contact the Clerk222soffice in your district to take the Oath.**Do not submit an executed Oath if you are required to attend the Attorney Admissions Workshop. All attorneys who reside within the Southern District of Texas are required to attend the workshopunless proof of completion of the Federal Court Practice CLE is provided with their application American LegalNet, Inc. Application to PracticeUnited States District Court for the Southern District of Texas1.First/Middle/Last Name: DOB:2.Home address: 3.Firm name: 4.Firm Address: Street: City: State: Zip Code: 5.Firm Telephone: 6.E-mail for electronic service: 7.Identify a state bar in which you are admitted.State: Number: 8.Identify a United States District Court bar of which you are a member (if applicable)District: Number: 9.Have you ever been the subject of discipline by a court or bar? G Yes G NoIf yes, please attach a description and a copy of the final disposition.10.Attach a copy of any conviction of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or any felony.11.If you responded to item nine or ten, attach all information you feel would assist the court indetermining your fitness to practice law in this district.12.List two members of the Southern District of Texas who will state that (a) they are not related toyou; (b) they have known you for at least twelve months or otherwise know you well; (c) they haveread this application; and (d) they believe your legal competence and character to be good.Prior to submission, please ensure that your references are in good standing with the SouthernDistrict of Texas by looking up their Attorney Admission Status under the Attorneys tab on ourwebsite American LegalNet, Inc. A.Reference 1: Name, office address, state bar number and telephone number:B.Reference 2: Name, office address, state bar number and telephone number:By submitting this form, I agree to abide by these rules:1.I will maintain familiarity with the technical and procedural requirements as they areadopted by the court.2.Use of my login and password constitutes my signature on documents filed electronicallyfor purposes of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of CriminalProcedure.3.I am responsible for all use of my login and password, authorized or not.4.By registering, I consent to electronic service of documents and notices through the court222sElectronic Filing System and waive service by other means.Subscribed under penalty for perjury.ApplicantDate COURT USE ONLY: The state bar reports that the applicant222s status is: . Dated: Signed: Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. This Order refers to the Oath provided on the following page. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.