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Standing Order To Attend Seminar-Child Development Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Blanco Local County.
Tags: Standing Order To Attend Seminar-Child Development, Texas Local County, Blanco
IN RE: "Child Development Seminar for Parties
in Suits Affecting Parent-Child Re lationship
Standing Order to Attend Seminar
(Amended August 12, 1998)
The Distr ict Court of said counties recogn izes that there a re numer ous proceedings of divorce in which
children are involved filed each year in this Court. It is further recognized that the consequences of divorcing
parent s may have a severe an d lifetime effect on ma ny childr en who experien ce a divorce by their pa rents, even
where terms of conser vatorship are n ot imm ediat ely at issue. It is further recogn ized by th e Court and the law of
the State of Texas, that except in unusual circumstances, the children involved in such proceedings have a right to
main tain a meanin gful r elati onship with both part ies even after the divorce is completed. It is furth er recognized by
the Court that this relationship is enhanced if the divorcing parents recognize the inherent problems of children in
such a situation and are able to cooperate for the best interest of such children. The Court finds that a program
which concerns the developmental needs of children with emphasis on fostering the child s emotional health
during per iods of stress is in the best interest of each chil d of divorcing or previously divorced parents.
(1) This Order applies to all persons seeking to become a managing or possessory conservator or seeking access to
a child ( Parties ) in all original actions or modifications in suits affecting the parent-child relationsh ip.
(2) All Parties whose cases are filed after July 1, 1998, shall attend a seminar on the effects of divorce on children.
This course will be presented at the District Courtroom in Burnet and Llano Counties, Texas at such times as may
be determined from time to time. It is expected that it will be offered twice monthly, once in each of Burnet and
Lla no C oun ties. The fee shall be paid by each party.
(3) The District Cl erk shal l provide a copy of this Or der to each Pa rty and sh all attach a copy hereof to each
citat ion issued to a Par ty. Any Pa rty filing a waiver of citat ion sh all provide a copy of this Order to the person
signing the waiver.
(4) Each Party must attend and successfully complete the seminar within 30 days after receiving notice of this
(5) The Kids First Seminar is hereby designated as an approved program to satisfy these requirements. A Party
wishing to satisfy the requ irement with an other pr ogram ma y submit information to th e Court rega rding such
alternative program for approval prior to enrollment in such alternative program.
Failure to abide by this Order may result in further individual direct orders to attend, and sanctions by the
Court including not appointing the failing Party as conservator or not granting periods of access, or holding the
failing Party in contempt pun ishable by fine an d/or jail sen tence.
RENDERED, SIGNED AND ORDERED FILED this day, August 12, 1998.
Guilford L. Jones, III
Presiding Judge, 33rd Judicial Di strict
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