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District Court Fees Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Collin Local County.
Tags: District Court Fees, Texas Local County, Collin
Lynne Finley, District Clerk Collin County District Court Fees 226 Civil/Family/Passports Effective July 1, 2019 New Cases: Motions: Civil Motions Adoptions 293.00 Contempt 75.00 Bill of Review 303.00 Counterclaim /Counterpetition 80.00 Civil Suits 303.00 Cross 226 Action 80.00 Delinquent Tax Suits 222.00 Intervention 80.00 Divorce / Annulments 309.00 New Trial 80.00 Expunction 303.00 Third Party 80.00 Plus $10.00 per agency notification Application for a Temporary Restraining Order 80.00 Foreign Judgment 226 Civil 303.00 (already existing case) Foreign Judgment 226 Family 293.00 Judgment NISI 303.00 Family Motions Name Change 293.00 Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus 65.00 Non-Disclosure 331.00 Application for Temporary Restraining Order 65.00 Occupational Driver222s License 303.00 (already existing case) Parent Child Relationship (SAPCR) 293.00 Contempt 60.00 Protective Order 226 paid by Respondent 293.00 Counterclaim/Counterpetition 65.00 Plus Application Fee of $16.00 Cross-Action 65.00 223Transfer In224 Civil Suits 303.00 Enforcement 60.00 223Transfer In224 Family Suits 80.00 Intervention 65.00 Modification 60.00 New Trial 65.00 SAPCR - Motions 30.00 Miscellaneous Fees: Third Party 65.00 Transfer 60.00 Administrative Fee 226Interest Bearing, 10% of Interest Earned Appeals: Administrative Fee 226Non-Interest Bearing, 5% not to exceed 50.00 Preparation of Clerk222s Record - 1.00 per page Bond Approval 4.00 Copy of Clerk222s Record (Paper) - 1.00 per page Copy 1-10 pages 1.00 Copy of Clerk222s Record (Disk) - 20.00 per disk 11-20 pages 2.00 21-30 pages 3.00 Issuance: etc. to 100 pages 10.00 Abstract of Judgment, Capias, Citation, Notice 8.00/each Copy (per disk) > 100 pages 20.00 Order of Sale, Precept, Subpoena, TRO, Writ Exemplified Certified Copy 5.00 Fraudulent Filing 15.00 Notice of Writ of Garnishment, 12.00/each Fraudulent Notice 20.00 Secretary of State, State Board of Insurance Jury Fee 40.00 Name Change Certificate 10.00 Civil Citation for Expedited Foreclosure 91.00/each Writ of Withholding 15.00 Issuance & Service Fee for 1 party per foreclosure Record Search Fee 5.00 Return Check Charge 30.00 Service: Certified Mail (by District Clerk) 75.00/each Picture Fees: Constable/Sheriff Fee - Citation, IV-D cases, 75.00/each Passport or CHL Picture 10.00 Judgment NISI, Notice, Subpoena Constable/Sheriff Fee for: Executions, 175.00/each Order of Sale, Writs, Protective Orders American LegalNet, Inc.