Motion To Access Confidential Sealed Records
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Motion To Access Confidential Sealed Records Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Fort Bend Local County.
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Tags: Motion To Access Confidential Sealed Records, 152, Texas Local County, Fort Bend
Cause No. IN THE MATTER OF 247 247 247 247 247 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MOTION TO ACCESS CONFIDENTIAL/SEALED RECORDS Request is hereby made of the Judge of the th Judicial District of Fort Bend County, Texas, to inspect and/or to retain a certified copy of the in the above styled and numbered cause as recorded in the sealed minutes of the court. REASONS FOR REQUEST: . Submitted this the day of , 20 . Respectfully Submitted, Applicant Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number ORDER The District Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas is hereby directed to allow to inspect the above styled and numbered cause and/or to furnish the above named applicant with certified copy(ies) of the in the above styled and numbered cause as recorded in the sealed minutes of the court. Signed this the day of , 20 . Judge Presiding American LegalNet, Inc.