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Cause No. 247 Plaintiff(s) 247 247 vs. 247 247 247 Defendant(s) 247 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MOTION TO WITHDRAW FUNDS IN THE COURT'S REGISTRY NOW COMES, , Applicant, for this motion and would show the court as follows: There are currently funds on deposit in the registry of this court that are being held for Applicants use and benefit in accordance with the terms and provisions of the judgment which has been entered into in this cause. These funds were to be held until had the disabilities of minority removed in the manner prescribed by law. Those disabilities were removed on when the Applicant reached the age of 18 years of age. A copy of Applicant driver's license and a certified copy of the birth certificate are attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference for all purposes. WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicant prays that the court authorize and direct the Honorable Annie Rebecca Elliott, the District Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas, to pay over and deliver to the total sums of money which are now on deposit and use for the Applicant, , plus any and all accrued interest currently held in the Registry of this court for the account of . 20. Respectfully submitted, on this the day of the day of , , P ro S e ( Ap p l i c a n s Si g na t u r e) ( Ap p l i c a n s So c i a l Se c u r i t y N u m be r) ( Ap p l i c a n s P r i n t e d L e g a l N a m e) ( Ap p l i c a n s Ph o n e N u m be r ) ( St r eet , C i t y , Sta t e , Z i p C o d e) On this day personally appeared the above Applicant who, after being duly sworn, stated that the information contained in this Motion is true and correct. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned authority, on this the day of , 20 . Notary Public Revised /1 This form is available for download at no cost at American LegalNet, Inc. Cause No. 247 Plaintiff(s) 247 247 vs. 247 247 247 Defendant(s) 247 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ORDER TO WITHDRAW FUNDS IN THE COURT'S REGISTRY On this the day of , 20 , came on to be heard the Motion of , Applicant, to withdraw the remaining balance of the funds invested on behalf of said Applicant. The Court, having considered the evidence and the facts, finds that such Motion should be granted. It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that the Honorable Annie Rebecca Elliott, District Clerk of Fort Bend County, Texas, pay over and deliver to the principal sum of $ , plus any accrued interest thereon held in the Registry of this court for s account pursuant to the final Judgment entered in this cause, and any orders of this court issued thereunder; and that the District Clerk shall be relieved and held harmless from any and all liability arising in connection with such account upon taking Applicant's Receipt therefor. Signed this the day of , 20 . Judge Presiding Revised /1 This form is available for download at no cost at American LegalNet, Inc.