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JOHN D. KINARD DISTRICT CLERK GALVESTON COUNTY REQUEST FOR POSTJUDGMENT SERVICE WRIT OF EXECUTION EXECUTION AND ORDER OF SALE WRIT OF POSSESSION ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT TAX WARRANT WRIT OF EXECUTION FOR TURNOVER OTHER ___________________________ Returnable In (Check One): Cause Number: Style: JUDGMENT AWARDED IN FAVOR OF: Judgment Creditor Name: Judgment Creditor Address : Judgment Date: JUDGMENT AWARDED AGAINST: Judgment Debtor's Name: Judgment Debtor's Address: Date of Birth: TDL & SS:(Last three of TDL and last 4 of SSN#) Court 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days Judgment Credits: All service fees are collected by the clerk at the time of filing. Upon issuance of service: (check one only) Send to Sheriff Send to Galveston County Constable Name and Address Call attorney for pick up Email Service to: Mail to attorney Send to League City REQUESTED BY: Attorney or Judgment Creditor Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Revision 2.0 American LegalNet, Inc.