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Subpoena (Criminal) Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Harris Local County.
Tags: Subpoena (Criminal), Texas Local County, Harris
SUBPOENACAUSE NO.THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURTvs. COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTAT LAW NO. OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXASTO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF HARRIS COUNTY OR OTHER PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SERVE THIS PROCESS IN ACCORDANCEWITH ART. 24.01(b) C.C.P. - GREETINGS:Name Of Person Other Than A Peace Officer To Execute Summons:YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON if to be found in your County, to be and appear before the above designated court in and for Harris County, on at 8:45 a.m., to give evidence in behalf of the State and Defendant in the above styled cause, and there to remain from day to day, and from term to term until discharged by the Court. Disobedience of this subpoena may result inconfinement in the Harris County Jail and a fine. my official signature on Upon receipt contact DEFENSE/STATE using MARILYN BURGESS, District Clerkthe information listed below: Harris County, TexasNAME:ADDRESS:BAR#:TELEPHONE NUMBER: By,DeputyFAX NUMBER:E-MAIL ADDRESS:1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 2 of 2 SHERIFF'S RETURN Came to hand on the day of 20 and executed by summoning the within named witness in person, in the County of Harris, at the dates as herein stated,: | | | | Fee For | Fee For | Date of Service | Name |Miles |Direction | Service| Mileage | Total Fee ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| TOTAL FEE...| | and not executed as to witness the diligence used in finding said witness being and who after due search and diligent inquiry, cannot be found in Harris County, Texas. Sheriff of Harris County, Texas By , Deputy American LegalNet, Inc.