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THE STATE OF TEXAS WITNESS SUBPOENA/SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM PURSUANT TO TEXAS RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 176 CAUSE NO. ________________________________ IN THE ______________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ____________________________________________ vs. ________________________________________________ Plaintiff Defendant TO ANY SHERIFF OR CONSTABLE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS OR OTHER PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SERVE AND EXECUTE SUBPOENAS AS PROVIDED IN RULE 176 T.R.C.P. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ in ________________________ County, Texas, and who is represented to reside within one hundred fifty miles of the Courthouse of Harris County, Texas, in which the above suit is pending, or who may be found within such distance at the time of the trial, to appear before the __________ Judicial District Court in and for Harris County, in Houston, Texas, on the _______ day of ____________________________________________________, 20 ______, at _____________. M., to testify as a witness on behalf of the Plaintiff/Defendant in the above styled Civil Action, to attend from day to day until lawfully discharged. SAID ABOVE NAMED WITNESS IS FURTHER COMMANDED to produce at said time and place above set forth the following books, papers, documents, or other tangible things, to wit: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ DO NOT FAIL to return this writ to said Court, with return thereon, showing the manner of execution. ISSUED this the __________ day of _______________________________________, A.D., 20 _______. CHRIS DANIEL, District Clerk Harris County, Texas 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77002 By: ______________________________________ Deputy District Clerk Issued At Request Of Plaintiff/Defendant: _________________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ OFFICER'S RETURN ON BACK CIVCP01 Revised 2/17/2000 American LegalNet, Inc. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ WITNESS SUBPOENA/SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM RETURN Came to hand the _______ day of _____________________________, 20 _____, at ________ o'clock ___.M., and executed the ________ day of _______________________________________, 20 ______, at ________ o'clock ____. M., by delivering to the within named __________________________________________________________________ in person at ____________________________________________________________________ in __________________ County, Texas, a true copy of this Subpoena, and tendering said witness the sum of $ ______________. By Deputy: _____________________________________________________ Sheriff/Constable ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ County, Texas OR By: ___________________________________________________________ Person who is not a party to the suit, and is not less than 18 years of age. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA BY WITNESS PER RULE 176 T.R.C.P. I, the undersigned witness named in the Subpoena acknowledge receipt of a copy thereof, and hereby accept service of the attached subpoena, and will appear in said court on said date and time directed in this subpoena. Rule 176.8(a) Contempt. Failure by any person without adequate excuse to obey a subpoena served upon that person may be deemed a contempt of the court from which the subpoena is issued or a district court in the county in which the subpoena is served, and may be punished by fine or confinement, or both. ____________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF WITNESS ____________________________ DATE ************************************************************************************************* **** Not executed as to the witness _________________________________________________________________________ for the following reasons: _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEE FOR SERVICE OF SUBPOENA: $ ______________ CIVCP01 Revised 2/17/2000 American LegalNet, Inc.