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Texas Chid Support Direct Deposit Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Hays Local County.
Tags: Texas Chid Support Direct Deposit, Texas Local County, Hays
TEXAS Child Support Disbursement Unit
DIRECT DEPOSIT Authorization Form
Child support payments you receive from the TEXAS CHILD
direct deposit.
If you want all payments you receive from the TXCSDU to be directly
deposited to your financial institution, complete the Direct Deposit
Authorization Form using the following instructions. With the exception
of your signature, type or print the requested information.
If you need help with completing the Direct Deposit Authorization
Form, contact the TXCSDU between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday, at 1-800-252-8014. You may also request assistance
from your financial institution in completing the form.
UNIT, P.O. BOX 659400, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78265
Authorization Form
Please attach Voided Check or Letter from
Financial Institution and Sign the bottom of
this form prior to Mailing Back to:
TXCSDU P.O. Box 659400
San Antonio, TX 78265
Please Print or Type
1. Direct Deposit Action Requested:
Change ________
For accuracy, please verify information with your financial
institution for items 2 – 5
2. Account Type: (CHECK ONE)
Checking ________
Keep these instructions and a copy of the completed form for your
If you do not provide all the information requested, the TXCSDU
may not be able to process your Authorization Form.
1. How secure and reliable is direct deposit?
Direct deposit is very safe and reliable. It allows money to be
electronically transferred from the TXCSDU to your financial institution.
Direct deposit eliminates the possibility of lost or stolen checks. With
direct deposit, there are no mail delays and no check cashing fees to
Savings ________
3. Account Number:
4. Transit Routing Number: (9 Digits)
Please contact your financial institution for this number
5. Name of Financial Institution:
Mailing Address:
2. What do I do if I want to change financial institutions or stop
my direct deposit?
Written requests are required for any change or to stop direct deposit.
You must call 1-800-252-8014 for a TXCSDU Authorization Form.
Failure to do so may result in disruption of service.
Telephone: (
3. How do I sign up for direct deposit?
To sign up for direct deposit, complete the attached Direct Deposit
Authorization Form. Instructions are at the top of this form to assist you
in completing this form. Make sure you include the financial institution
routing number, account number, account type and a voided check, or
letter from your financial institution with your form.
7. Name of Payor: (last, first, middle) Non-Custodial Parent
4. How long does it take to set up direct deposit?
Once the TXCSDU receives your Authorization Form for direct deposit,
please allow thirty (30) days for the conversion from check to direct
5. How will I know when my payments are being paid by direct
deposit instead of by check?
Using your CIN # you can verify whether the TXCSDU has sent a
payment to your financial institution via direct deposit. You can call the
Payment Information Line at 1–800-252–8014. In most cases, funds
will be available in your bank account two to three business days after
the payment is received at the TXCSDU.
6. Will I be notified when money is deposited in my account?
The TXCSDU will not send you a notice each time a payment is
deposited to your account. You can verify that a payment was
deposited to your account by calling 1-800-252-8014 and/or your
financial institution automated system.
6. Name of Payee: (last, first, middle) Custodial Parent
8. County assigned Cause Number: (see Court order)
9. Payee Address: (Number and Street) City, State, and Zip
10. Payee Telephone Numbers:
Work: (
Home: (
11. Payee Social Security Number: (Custodial Parent)
12. Signature:
Please Mail Form to:
TXCSDU P.O. Box 659400
San Antonio, TX 78265
For Additional Information Call:
(Custodial Parent)
Signature above signifies agreement with terms and conditions on the
reverse side of this form.
December 2003
See information on reverse side
American LegalNet, Inc.
By signing this Authorization Form, I consent to the policy of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for recovering money sent to me in error. Money sent to me in error, NOT repaid
within 30 days of notice of overpayment, will be withheld from future child support payments.
I authorize the financial institution to accept the deposit for my account and to make adjustments to my account to correct any error relating to the deposit.
I agree and understand that this authorization for direct deposit revokes OAG form 1A004, Authorization For Release of Information with respect to redirection of child support payments.
This Authorization form will remain in effect until revoked by me in writing or canceled by the financial institution and supercedes any existing instructions concerning my child support
direct deposit. I also understand that I have a responsibility to provide a written request to discontinue direct deposit. To discontinue direct deposit and provide a mailing address for future
payments I must call 1-800-252-8014 to request an Authorization Form, or execute OAG form 1A004 if payments are to be directed to a person other than myself. The Authorization form
should be returned to the TXCSDU, P.O. Box 659400, San Antonio, TX 78265.
I agree that the TXCSDU will have no responsibility for personal checks written against my account prior to the funds being available in my account, and my account will be administered in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the financial institution.
WARNING: This is a governmental document. Texas Penal Code, Section 37.10, specifies penalties for making false entries or providing false information in this document.
American LegalNet, Inc.