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Request For Setting Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Potter Local County.
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Tags: Request For Setting, Texas Local County, Potter
(Instructions: COMPLETE this form, SIGN it, and MAIL it to:
District Clerk, Potter County, P. O. Box 9570, Amarillo, TX 79105
Honorable __________________
District Judge
_____Judicial District
Potter County Courthouse
Amarillo, Texas 79101
Re: (Number and Style of Case)
Dear Judge:
Please set the above styled and numbered cause for trial on the next jury (nonjury) docket.
This request for setting is made in good faith in the belief that plaintiff will be
ready for trial at the time requested. All of plaintiff’s pleadings are now in order.
There (are/are no) special exceptions (or other pre-trial matters), which should be
presented to the Court in advance of trial.
We hereby certify that all depositions have been taken in this cause and, to the
best of our knowledge, all discovery is completed.
We further certify that all necessary ad litem appointments have been made and
that the jury fee has been paid (if applicable).
All other attorneys in this case on this date are being mailed a copy of this request
for setting.
Very truly yours,
cc: (Listing those notified)
American LegalNet, Inc.