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Application For Registration As An Athlete Agent Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Athlete Agent Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Registration As An Athlete Agent, 2501, Texas Secretary Of State, Athlete Agent
Form 2501--General Information (Application for Registration as an Athlete Agent) The attached form is designed to meet minimal statutory filing requirements pursuant to the relevant code provisions. This form and the information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney. Commentary Acting as an athlete agent in Texas requires registration with the secretary of state, as provided in Chapter 2051 of the Texas Occupations Code and the secretary of state's administrative rules found in 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 78. Sections 2051.102, Occupations Code and 78.1, Administrative Code, set forth the application requirements for athlete agent registration. A registration is valid for one year and may be renewed. Instructions for Form A document on file with the secretary of state is a public record subject to public access and disclosure. When providing address or telephone information, use a business or post office box address rather than a residence address if privacy concerns are an issue. Submission of this application is consent for the secretary of state to conduct a criminal background check on the applicant. � Types of Registration: Texas has two types of athlete agents: professional and limited. Both of these are registrations held by individuals, not organizations. Professional athlete agents must be certified by at least one national professional sports association, such as the National Football League Players Association, National Basketball Players Association, Major League Baseball Players Association, National Hockey League Players' Association, or United States Soccer Federation. Limited athlete agents are not required to be certified by a national professional sports association, but may only represent an athlete in a sport that does not have a national professional sports association that certifies or licenses agents, such as golf or tennis. � Attachments: The following items must be included with the application: 1. Financial services surety bond for $100,000 OR affidavit (Form 2502 or 2503); 2. Surety bond for $50,000 (Form 2504); 3. Separate supplement for each financially interested party (Form 2506); and 4. Applicant contact sheet (Form 2507). Execution: The application must be signed by the named applicant. Payment and Delivery Instructions: The filing fee for an athlete agent registration is $500. Fees may be paid by personal checks, money orders, LegalEase debit cards or American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa credit cards. Checks or money orders must be payable through a U.S. bank or financial institution and made payable to the secretary of state. Fees paid by credit card are subject to a statutorily authorized convenience fee of 2.7 percent of the total fees. The completed form and filing fee may be mailed to Registrations Unit, P.O. Box 13550, Austin, Texas 78711-3550; or delivered to the James Earl Rudder Office Building, 1019 Brazos, Austin, Texas 78701. The secretary of state will issue a certificate of registration upon filing of a completed and approved application. � � Form 2501 1 American LegalNet, Inc. Form #2501 Rev. 12/2011 This space reserved for office use Submit to: SECRETARY OF STATE Registrations Unit P O Box 13550 Austin, TX 78711-3550 512-475-0775 512-475-2815 - Fax Filing Fee: $500 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS AN ATHLETE AGENT Applicant Information 1. Name of Applicant: 2. Principal Business Address: Street City State Zip 3. All trade names or entities under which Applicant will provide athlete agent services: Background & Experience 4. Business or occupation for the last five years: 5. Formal training, practical experience, and education related to professional athlete agent activities: 6. Name, sport, and last known team for each person the applicant represented as an athlete agent during the last five years: Name Name Name Name Name Name Sport Sport Sport Sport Sport Sport Team Team Team Team Team Team USE AN ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY 7. Are you currently registered as an athlete agent in any state other than Texas? Form 2501 2 Yes No American LegalNet, Inc. If you answered "yes" to Item 7, list all states where you are currently registered as an athlete agent: Certifications 8. Are you currently certified or licensed as an athlete agent by a national professional sports association? No. This is an application for registration as a limited athlete agent. Yes. The following national professional sports associations have certified me as an athlete agent: LIST ALL CERTIFICATIONS HELD Name: Address: Street City State Zip Name: Address: Street City State Zip Name: Address: Street City State Zip Name: Address: Street City State Zip Name: Address: Street City USE AN ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY State Zip Fitness 9. Have you been found guilty of a crime (other than a class C misdemeanor)? 10. Has there been an administrative or judicial finding that you made a false, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent representation? 11. Have you been sanctioned (including imposition of a fine) or suspended in relation to occupational or professional conduct? 12. Have you been denied a certificate of registration or license as an athlete agent? 13. Have you had a certificate of registration or license as an athlete agent suspended? 14. Have you had a certificate of registration or license as an athlete agent revoked? 15. Have you engaged in conduct that resulted in the imposition on an athlete or educational institution of a sanction, suspension, or declaration of ineligibility to participate in an interscholastic or intercollegiate athletic event? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No 16. If you answered "yes" to any of the above, in the space below you must provide a statement of (i) the nature, circumstances, date, and location, and (ii) whether the matter is on appeal. Also attach copies of related documentation, including settlement agreement, court order and sentence, and papers pertaining to release from probation, if applicable. Form 2501 3 American LegalNet, Inc. USE AN ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY. References Provide the name and address of three professional references. Name: Address: Street City Phone: State Zip Name: Address: Street City Phone: State Zip Name: Address: Street City Phone: State Zip Financially Interested Parties Identify each person with an ownership interest in or right to receive profits from