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Parent Subsidiary Certificate Of Merger Business Organizations Code Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
Tags: Parent Subsidiary Certificate Of Merger Business Organizations Code, 623, Texas Secretary Of State, Corporation
Form 623--General Information (Parent-Subsidiary Certificate of Merger) The attached form is designed to meet minimal statutory filing requirements pursuant to the relevant code provisions. This form and the information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney and tax specialist. Commentary This certificate of merger may be used to effect a merger of a parent organization with a subsidiary organization when the parent organization is to survive the merger. A parent organization that is a domestic entity may effect a merger by complying with the applicable provisions of chapter 10 of the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC), as well as the title and chapter applicable to the domestic entity. A domestic entity may not merge if an owner or member of that entity that is a party to the merger will, as a result of the merger, become subject to owner liability, without that owner's or member's consent, for liability or other obligation of any other person. Pursuant to section 10.006 of the BOC, a parent organization that owns at least 90 percent of the outstanding ownership or membership interests of each class and series of each of one or more subsidiary organizations may merge with one or more of the subsidiary organizations if: (1) at least one of the parties to the merger is a domestic entity and each other party is a domestic entity or another non-code organization that is organized under the laws of a jurisdiction that permits a merger of the type authorized by section 10.006; (2) none of the subsidiary organizations is a Texas partnership; and (3) the resulting organization or organizations are the parent organization, one or more existing subsidiary organizations, or one or more new organizations. A domestic entity that is a subsidiary organization is not required to approve a merger effected under section 10.006 of the BOC. When the parent organization is to survive the merger, the merger is approved by a resolution adopted by the governing authority of the parent organization. A merger effected through section 10.006 of the BOC cannot make an amendment to the governing documents of any surviving organization. Do not use this form if the parent organization will not survive the merger. If the parent organization will not survive the merger, a plan of merger must be approved by the parent organization in the manner provided by section 10.001 of the BOC if the parent is a domestic entity. Formation Documents of New Domestic Filing Entities: If a domestic filing entity is being created pursuant to the plan of merger, the certificate of formation of the entity must be filed with the certificate of merger. Pursuant to section 3.005 of the BOC, the certificate of formation of a domestic filing entity that is to be created by the plan of merger must contain the statement that the domestic filing entity is being formed under a plan of merger. The formation and existence of a domestic filing entity created pursuant to a plan of merger takes effect and commences on the effectiveness of the merger (BOC � 3.006). Registration as a Limited Liability Partnership: A general partnership or limited partnership that is created by a plan of merger may file for registration to become a limited liability partnership by complying with sections 152.803 and by filing an application for registration with the secretary of state in accordance with section 152.802. Form 623 Instruction Page 1 � Do not submit with filing. American LegalNet, Inc. Instructions for Form Parties to the Merger: The certificate of merger must state the name of the parent organization, the name of each subsidiary organization that is a party to the merger, the jurisdiction of formation of each organization, and the number of outstanding ownership interests of each class or series of each subsidiary organization and the number or percentage of each class or series owned by the parent organization. It is recommended that the file number assigned by the secretary of state to each domestic or foreign filing entity that is a party to the merger be provided to facilitate processing of the document. It is required that you indicate whether a party to the merger is to survive the merger. If any surviving organization is not a domestic entity, the certificate of merger must include the address, including street number, of its registered or principal office in its jurisdiction of formation. Resolution of Merger: The certificate of merger must include a statement that the resolution of merger has been approved as required by the laws of the jurisdiction of formation of the parent organization and by its governing documents. The certificate of merger must include the date of the adoption of the resolution of merger by the governing authority and a copy of the resolution of merger. A resolution of merger must describe: (1) the basic terms of the merger, which must include the information required by sections 10.002(c) and 10.003 of the BOC, if applicable; (2) the organizations that are a party to the merger; and (3) the organizations that survive or that are to be created by the merger. If the parent organization does not own all the outstanding ownership or membership interests of each class or series of ownership or membership interests of each subsidiary organization that is a party to the merger, the resolution of the parent organization must comply with section 10.006(g) of the BOC. If the resolution of merger authorizes the creation of one or more organizations, the certificate of merger should include the name of the organization, the jurisdiction of its formation and the organizational form of the new organization. If one or more non-code organizations is a party to the merger or is to be created by the merger, each non-code organization must effect the merger by taking all action required by the BOC and its governing documents, and the merger must be permitted by the law of the state or country under whose law each non-code organization is incorporated or organized, or the governing documents of each non-code organization if the documents are not inconsistent with such law. Organizations Created by Merger: If the merger is to result in the creation of one or more new organizations, the certificate of merger must include the identification of each domestic entity or non-code organization that is to be created by the plan of merger. The identification must include: the legal na