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Certificate Of Formation-Professional Association Form. This is a Texas form and can be use in Professional Association Secretary Of State.
Tags: Certificate Of Formation-Professional Association, 204, Texas Secretary Of State, Professional Association
Form 204--General Information (Certificate of Formation � Professional Association) The attached form is drafted to meet minimal statutory filing requirements pursuant to the relevant code provisions. This form and the information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney and tax specialist. Commentary A professional association is a professional entity formed for the purpose of providing the professional service rendered by a doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy, doctor of podiatry, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, therapeutic optometrist, veterinarian, or licensed mental health professional. A "licensed mental health professional" means a person, other than a physician, who is licensed by the state to engage in the practice of psychology or psychiatric nursing or to provide professional therapy or counseling services. A professional association is governed by title 1, title 2, chapters 20 and 21, and title 7, chapters 301 and 302 of the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC). Title 1, chapter 3, subchapter A of the BOC governs the formation of a professional association and sets forth the provisions required or permitted to be contained in the certificate of formation. Title 7, chapter 301 establishes certain restrictions and requirements regarding ownership and management of a professional association. Only a professional individual licensed to practice the same professional service as the professional association may be a governing person, managerial official, owner, or member of a professional association. Only a governing person of the professional association may serve as the president of the association. Taxes: Professional associations are subject to a state franchise tax. Contact the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Tax Assistance Section, Austin, Texas, 78774-0100, (512) 463-4600 or (800) 2521381 for franchise tax information. For information relating to federal employer identification numbers, federal income tax filing requirements, tax publications and forms call (800) 829-3676 or visit the Internal Revenue Service web site at Instructions for Form � Article 1--Entity Name and Type: Provide an association name and organizational designation. Under section 5.053 of the BOC, if the name chosen is the same as, deceptively similar to, or similar to the name of any existing domestic or foreign filing entity, or any name reservation or registration filed with the secretary of state, the document cannot be filed. The administrative rules adopted for determining entity name availability (Texas Administrative Code, title 1, part 4, chapter 79, subchapter C) may be viewed at If you wish the secretary of state to provide a preliminary determination on name availability, you may call (512) 463-5555, dial 7-1-1 for relay services, or e-mail your name inquiry to A final determination cannot be made until the document is received and processed by the secretary of state. Do not make financial expenditures or execute documents based on a preliminary clearance. Also note that the preclearance of a name or the issuance of a certificate of formation under a name does not authorize the use of a name in violation of another person's rights to the name. Form 204 Instruction Page 1 � Do not submit with filing. American LegalNet, Inc. Pursuant to section 5.060 of the BOC, the name of a professional entity must not be contrary to a statute or regulation that governs a person who provides a professional service through the professional entity, including a rule of professional ethics. Contact the state agency or examining board exercising control over the profession to determine whether the name chosen complies with statutory and regulatory requirements governing the profession. � Article 2--Registered Agent and Registered Office: The registered agent can be either (option A) a domestic entity or a foreign entity that is registered to do business in Texas or (option B) an individual resident of the state. The association cannot act as its own registered agent; do not enter the corporate name as the name of the registered agent. Consent: A person designated as the registered agent of an entity must have consented, either in a written or electronic form, to serve as the registered agent of the entity. Although consent is required, a copy of the person's written or electronic consent need not be submitted with the certificate of formation. The liabilities and penalties imposed by sections 4.007 and 4.008 of the BOC apply with respect to a false statement in a filing instrument that names a person as the registered agent of an entity without that person's consent. (BOC � 5.207) Office Address Requirements: The registered office address must be located at a street address where service of process may be personally served on the entity's registered agent during normal business hours. Although the registered office is not required to be the entity's principal place of business, the registered office may not be solely a mailbox service or telephone answering service (BOC � 5.201). � Article 3--Management: A professional association is governed and managed by either a board of directors or an executive committee. Select the management structure and the names of the individuals serving as members of the board or committee. A minimum of one member is required. Members of the board or committee must be individuals who are licensed to provide the same professional service to be rendered by the professional association; there are no residency requirements. Set forth the name of the individual in the format specified. Do not use prefixes (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms.). Use the suffix box only for titles of lineage (e.g., Jr., Sr., III) and not for other suffixes or titles (e.g., M.D., Ph.D.). Please note that a document on file with the secretary of state is a public record that is subject to public access and disclosure. When providing address information for a director, executive committee member, or initial member, use a business or post office box address rather than a residence address if privacy concerns are an issue. � Article 4--Purpose: The certificate of formation of a professional association must state the type of professional service to be provided by the professional entity. Pursuant to section 2.004 of the BOC, a professional entity may engage in only one type of