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PAGE 1 FORM C-230 (/)TABC USE ONLYENTRYREG #SUMMARYTRADE NAME:LICENSE NUMBER:ADDRESS:CITY:ZIP CODE:PHONE NUMBER:Summary of Taxes Due 1.Inventory, Beginning of Month (Line 4 on Prior Monthly Report) 2.Beer Received (Page 2, Line 1) 3.Total (Line 1 + 2) 4.Inventory, End of Month 5.Exemptions (Page 2, Line 2) 6.Total (Line 4 + 5) 7.Beer Subject to Tax (Line 3 - 6) 8.Tax Rate Per Gallon9.GROSS TAXES DUE (Line 7 x 8) 10.LESS 2% (If payment is received by due date) 11.LESS AUTHORIZED CREDITS (Attach letter of authorization) 12.TAXES DUE STATE SignatureE-Mail Title Date GALLONS (rounded off to the second decimal place) $$ $0.193548 $**REPORT IS DUE ON OR BEFORE THE 15TH DAY OF THE MONTH FOLLOWING EACH REPORTING PERIOD** TEXAS DISTRIBUTOR REPORT Monthly Report of Beer Reporting Period: INSTRUCTIONS:Preparethereportinduplicate,mailtheoriginaltotheT.A.B.C.,POBox13127,Austin,TX78711-3127.Reportmust befiledonorbeforethe15thdayofthemonthfollowingeachreportingperiod.Retainonecopyforyourfilesforaperiodoffouryears.Aslongasyourlicenseremainsactive,youmustfileareportevenifnobusinesswasconducted.Reportbeerintermsofgallonsroundedofftotheseconddecimalplace.Forassistance,pleasecontacttheExciseTaxDepartmentat(512) . AFFIRMATION,Underpenaltyofperjury,IswearIamanofficeroranauthorizedrepresentativeoftheaboveLicensee,andIhaveexamined this report, and confirm it is true, correct, and complete. $ American LegalNet, Inc. TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSIONPAGE 2 FORM C-230 (03/09) INVOICEINVOICE SUPPLIER'SCITY /GALLONSCARRIER MAKINGDATENUMBERTRADE NAMESTATE(rounded off to the second decimal place)DELIVERY BEER DISPOSED OF: BEER RECEIVED - Schedule A (retain invoices for audit purposes) 1. TOTAL RECEIVED (To Line 2, Page 1) 2. TOTAL EXEMPTIONS (To Line 5, Page 1) NOTE: The spaces provided above for Schedules B, C, D and E should reflect monthly totals only. If more than one entry per schedule is needed, attach a supplemental schedule(s). SALES TO TEXAS DISTRIBUTORS - Schedule B (invoices must be submitted to support each entry) SALES TO MILITARY INSTALLATIONS - Schedule C (retain invoices for audit purposes) EXPORTS OUT-OF-STATE - Schedule D (retain invoices for audit purposes) CARRIER CLAIMS & DESTRUCTIONS - Schedule E (documents must be submitted to support each entry) American LegalNet, Inc. BRAND NAME(alphabetically)1/2 bbl1/4 bbl24/12 can24/12 btlTOTAL PACKAGE SIZES TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION TRADE NAME: MONTH/YEAR: LICENSE NUMBER:SUMMARY OF BEER BRANDS AND PACKAGE SIZES SUBJECT TO TAX (sales to retailers) American LegalNet, Inc.