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Board of Law Examiners TEXAS BAR EXAMINATION Laptop Application In order to use your laptop for the written parts of the Texas Bar Exam, you must: (1) Upload this signed Laptop Application to your ATLAS user page. (2) Register with ExamSoft. We will provide you with instructions on how and when to register with ExamSoft. If you do not timely register with ExamSoft, you will not be able to use your laptop on the Bar Exam. (3) Purchase, download, and install SofTest from ExamSoft. The SofTest fee is expected to be $104.25. This fee is paid to ExamSoft--it is in addition to and separate from fees paid to the Board of Law Examiners for the Bar Exam. You must complete this step even if you have purchased or installed SofTest or similar software for law school exams, other Texas Bar Exams, or any other exam. Please note: � You must bring a power cord and an extension cord to the exam--your power outlet will be up to 8 feet away from your seat. � You are permitted to bring an external keyboard, external mouse, and cooling stand. � You cannot bring removable chips, removable cards, dongles, flash drives, CDs, DVDs, or any other removable media or device (other than a keyboard, mouse, or cooling stand). � Once you enter the exam area, accessing anything on your laptop other than SofTest is a violation of the Honor Pledge. � You are not required to use a laptop to take the Bar Exam. You may handwrite the exam. � There may be little or no technical assistance at the exam site. � The site administrator at the exam site has sole discretion to require you to handwrite any or all written parts of the exam. � On Thursday of the Bar Exam, you must leave your laptop in the exam room during the lunch break. Security guard(s) and Board staff will monitor the exam room during the lunch break. � To request accommodations due to a disability, you must file a properly completed Rule XII(b) testing accommodation application with your Bar Exam application. � Your laptop must meet the Minimum System Requirements published at � Direct technical questions to ExamSoft. � The Texas Board of Law Examiners assumes no responsibility for any interruption in power, computer mechanical breakdown, or any problem you may encounter using your laptop or SofTest. No extra time or any other consideration will be allowed for any interruption whether it is isolated or widespread. You assume all risks of using your laptop to take the Bar Exam. I have read, understood, agreed to, and accepted each term above. In no event will I hold the Board, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, or affiliates liable to me for any damages arising from the use of the exam security software or participation in the laptop program, including any loss of exam time or loss of an exam answer or any effect it may have on the outcome of the exam. Applicant Signature (typed signatures are accepted) Date American LegalNet, Inc.