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CONDITIONS OF RELEASE ORDERForm 344The Court has determined that future appearance(s) of the defendant will not be reasonably assured by his/her release on personalrecognizance or execution of an unsecured appearance bond alone; or that the release of the defendant will constitute a danger to thepublic. It is therefore ORDERED that the defendant be released upon the following marked conditions:You must give the court bail as follows:.a. An Unsecured Appearance Bond in the amount of $.b. A Secured Appearance Bond in the amount of $, with a cash or surety deposit of $.c. A Surety Bond or cash in the amount of $.d. A Peace Bond in the amount of $, with a deposit of $You must come to court when you are told to.You must give your attorney and the court clerk your address and phone number. If it1 .2.changes, you must tell them immediately.3.You must not be charged with or have probable cause found for a new offense while thiscase is open.4.You are released into the custody ofpolice station/barracks and check in onYou must report to5.(days) byYou must live in6.county. You cannot leave the county without thecourt's permission.You cannot drive any motor vehicle, including a car, truck, or motorcycle.7.You cannot drive any motor vehicle, including a car, truck, or motorcycle unless you have a valid8.driver's license, one that is not suspended or expired or revoked.You must submit to an alcosensor when you report to the police station/barracks.You must NOT buy, have or use regulated drugs without a prescription.9.10.Curfew:11.You must NOT buy, have or drink any alcoholic beverage.You must NOT buy, have or use any firearms or dangerous/deadly weapons.12.13.You must NOT have contact with14., which includes in person, inwriting, by telephone, by e-mail or through a third person regardless of whether you are in jail or released.You must NOT abuse or harass in any way15.atYou must come to court on16.You may be arrested without a warrant if you do not abide by Condition(s) No.17.Other conditions:VIOLATIONS OF ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS IS A CRIME. If you violate any of these conditions thecourt may send you to jail or keep you in jail and you may be charged with new crimes. You must followthese conditions until your case is closed or until the court changes the conditions.. DatePresiding Judge/ClerkI have received a copy of this order. I have read it. I understand it. DateDefendantRev. 7/10 SML(time)././.Order of the Court:. TimePROBABLE CAUSE MUST BE FOUND BY A JUDICIAL OFFICER IF HELD ON BAIL FOR MORE THAN 48 HOURS. you are in jail or released.regardless of whether STATE OF VERMONTSUPERIOR COURT CRIMINAL DIVISION Unit Docket No. STATE OF VERMONT v. Defendant's Name DOB / /Offense AMPM AMPM AMPM American LegalNet, Inc.