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300-00900 Notice to Interested Parties in Municipal Appeals Page 1 of 2 Vermont Superior Court Environmental Division 32 Cherry Street 2 nd Floor, Suite 303 Burlington, VT 05401 802 - 951 - 1740 Docket Number : Ca se Title NOTICE TO INTEREST ED PARTIES in MUNICIPAL APPEALS (24 V.S.A. 2474471(c)) (also see 10 V.S.A. 247 8504(c) and V.R.E.C.P. 5(b)(4)) Enclosed is the Notice of Appeal dated , which was filed by , appealing the decision of the i n its case: . This appeal involves the application of for . You have been identified by the as a person who may be an ''interested person'' in these proceedings as defined in 24 V.S.A. 2474465(b), who participated in the proceedings before the . However, you are not automatic ally a party to the proceedings in the Environmental case, even if participated in the hearing before the . You are not automatically a party to the proceedings in the Environmental case, even if you are the permit applicant. You are not automatically a party to the proceedings in the Environmental case, even if the ruled in your favor. If you wish to participate in matters before the Environmental Division, you must enter your appearance in writing with the Court within 21 days of your receiving this notice. If you file your entry of appearance after the 21 days has gone by, you must also ask the Court in writing to allow you to enter your appearance late, and explain why it is late. If you fail to file an appearance or to make a request to participate within this time frame, the case may proceed to a decision without any further notice to you and without your involvement. You may enter an appearance on your own behalf or through an attorney. Please include the address at which you wish to receive mail from the Court and the other parties, and the telephone number at which you can be reached during business hours. All filings made with the Environmental Division must be sent to the above address . Each person filing any document with the Court must also send a copy of that document to each of the other parties; you may call the Court at (802) 951 - 1740 for the names and addresses of the other parties. Date: Enclosure: Notice of Appeal cc: American LegalNet, Inc. 300-00900 Notice to Interested Parties in Municipal Appeals Page 2 of 2 24 V.S.A. 4465 (b) For the purposes of this chapter, an interested person means any one of the following: (1) A person owning title to property, or a municipality or solid waste management district empowered to condemn it or an interest in it, affected by a bylaw, who alleges that the bylaw imposes on the property unreasonable or inappropriate restrictions of pres ent or potential use under the particular circumstances of the case. (2) The municipality that has a plan or a bylaw at issue in an appeal brought under this chapter or any municipality that adjoins that municipality. (3) A person owning or occupying property in the immediate neighborhood of a property that is the subject of any decision or act taken under this chapter, who can demonstrate a physical or environmental impact on the person's interest under the criteria reviewed, and who alleges that the decision or act, if confirmed, will not be in accord with the policies, purposes, or terms of the plan or bylaw of that municipality. (4) Any ten persons who may be any combination of voters or real property owners within a municipality listed in subdivision (2) of this subsection who, by signed petition to the appropriate municipal panel of a municipality, the plan or a bylaw of which is at issue in any appeal brought under this title, allege that any relief requested by a person under this title, if granted, will not b e in accord with the policies, purposes, or terms of the plan or bylaw of that municipality. This petition to the appropriate municipal panel must designate one person to serve as the representative of the petitioners regarding all matters related to the a ppeal. (5) Any department and administrative subdivision of this state owning property or any interest in property within a municipality listed in subdivision (2) of this subsection, and the agency of commerce and community development of this state. American LegalNet, Inc.