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STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Unit CENTER FOR CRIME VICTIM SERVICES, Restitution Unit Plaintiff v. ________________________________________ Defendant PETITION TO ENFORCE A RESTITUTION JUDGMENT ORDER Pursuant to 13 V.S.A. � 7043(j), the Restitution Unit of the Center for Crime Services files this petition to enforce a Restitution Judgment Order issued by the Criminal Division against the Defendant. 1. On __________________________, the ________________________ Criminal Division of the Superior Court issued a Restitution Judgment Order against the Defendant. A copy of the Order is attached. 2. Defendant lives in __________________________ County. 3. Defendant has failed to comply with the Restitution Judgment Order. 4. The amount due is $_______________________. 5. Plaintiff requests, pursuant to 13 V.S.A. � 7043(m)(2), the Court schedule a hearing to: Determine Defendant's ability to pay at a Financial Disclosure Hearing. Amend the payment schedule in the restitution judgment order. Garnish Defendant's wages. The documents required by V.R.C.P. 4.2(j)(3) are attached. Attach Defendant's assets. The affidavit required by V.R.C.P. 4.1 is attached. Suspend Defendant's recreational licenses (such as hunting and fishing licenses). Hold Defendant in contempt if the court finds that Defendant has the ability to pay and has failed to do so. Other: _____________________________________________________________________ CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. Date ___________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Print Name _______________________________________ Form 280� Petition to Enforce a Restitution Judgment (12/2014) Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Vermont Superior Court Civil Division NOTICE OF HEARING The Restitution Unit of the Center for Crime Victim Services has filed a petition to enforce a Restitution Judgment Order that was issued against you in criminal court. A hearing has been scheduled on the petition on _________________________________ at _____________________________. The Court's address and phone number is: This hearing is your chance to tell the Judge your side of the story. If you do not agree with what the Restitution Unit is asking for, it is important to come to the hearing to explain your position. You should bring any papers that you want the Judge to see, and you may testify at the hearing. You may also bring other people to testify as witnesses at the hearing. If you do not come to the hearing, but there is proof that the sheriff served you with this notice and the petition, the Court can give the Restitution Unit what it is asking for even without hearing your side of the story. If you send anything to the Court in writing before the hearing, you also have to send a copy to the Restitution Unit at the address on its petition. You may want to talk to a lawyer about this case before the hearing. Date _______________________________ _____________________________________ Court Clerk Form 280� Petition to Enforce a Restitution Judgment (12/2014) Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Unit CENTER FOR CRIME VICTIM SERVICES, Restitution Unit Plaintiff v. ________________________________________ Defendant ORDER TO DEFENDANT TO BRING INFORMATION TO FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE HEARING CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. A Financial Disclosure Hearing is scheduled in this case to determine whether you have the financial ability to pay all or part of the restitution that was ordered by the criminal court. You are ordered to fill out and bring to the hearing the Financial Disclosure form and Disclosure of Exempt Income form. You may also want to bring documents to back up the numbers, such as copies of a recent paycheck, a recent tax return, utility bills, a mortgage statement, or rent receipts. If you receive any public assistance, bring proof of that with you. Date _______________________________ _____________________________________ Superior Court Judge Form 280� Petition to Enforce a Restitution Judgment (12/2014) Page 3 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc.