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600 - 00033 - Request for Access to Public Records ( 05 /201 7 ) Page 1 of 1 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Docket No. REQ UEST FOR ACCESS TO COURT RECORD You must submit this form to the court where the record is filed Name of Person Requesting Record: Phone Number: Email Address Mailing Address Information R egarding Case Record Requested: Case Name: Case Type: Information R egarding Administrative Record Request ed : Information Requested: Entire File Specific Documents ( please lis t ) If this request is time sensitive, please state the reason: Date Signature of Requestor Copies of documents will be provided at $.25/page, minimum of $1.00 [32 V.S.A. 2471751(b)(1)(B)]. Retrieval cost for files at The Records Center is $7.50, payable in advance [1 V.S.A. 247316(d) and (e)]. If it takes more than 30 minutes of research $ .33 per minute [1 V.S.A. 247316(d) and (e); Uniform Fee Schedule . The court has 3 business days to produce a record for i nspection or to provide written certification if a record is deemed exempt from inspection [1 V.S.A. 247318(2)]. In certain circumstances, the time for responding may be extended to no more than 10 business days from the date of the request. 1 V.S.A. 247 318 (a)(5). American LegalNet, Inc.