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Form 418 STIPULATION/MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT, CRIMINAL DIVISION SUPERIOR COURT, CIVIL DIVISION CIRCUIT DOCKET NO. vs. 1. The undersigned counsel and parties request that the be continued, at least until (date) 2. (Criminal Cases) This case was arraigned on (Civil Cases) The complaint was filed on now set for (type of hearing) (date) (date) (date) Plaintiff/State 3. This motion is being filed by: (If stipulation, please indicate Defendant/Juvenile initiating party.) Other 4. The reason for this requested delay is as follows: (Be Specific) Signature of State/Plaintiffs Attorney Date Signature of Defendant's/Juvenile's Attorney Date Signature of Plaintiff (civil case) Date Signature of Defendant/Juvenile Date Signature of Probation Officer/SRS Worker Date If juvenile case, or defendant is under 18: Signature of Parent or Guardian Date NOTE: FILE ALL COPIES WITH THE COURT. YOU WILL RECEIVE A COPY WITH THE COURT'S DECISION. ACTION BY COURT/NOTICE OF HEARING Denied Comments: Granted Signature of Judge Type of Hearing Date on at Date Time This matter has been rescheduled for AM PM ALL PARTIES MUST BE PRESENT. Clerk's Initials Date copies sent to parties cc: Plaintiffs Attorney State's Attorney Public Defender Defendant's Attorney Rev. 7/10 SML Distribution: 1 Copy ~ Court Probation and Parole Office DCF Guardian ad Litem Other: 1 Copy ~ Plaintiffs Attorney American LegalNet, Inc. 1 Copy ~ Defendant's Attorney 1 Copy ~ Continuance File