Order Changing Name
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Order Changing Name Form. This is a Washington form and can be use in King Local County.
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Tags: Order Changing Name, Washington Local County, King
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King County District Court
State of Washington
In the matter of the Petition of
__________________________________________ )
No. _______________________________________
The Petition of the above-named person for an order changing his/her present name, came regularly to be heard
this date; the court having heard the evidence and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the allegations of
the Petition for Change of Name are true; now therefore, it is hereby
ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the name of ________________________________________
__________________________be changed to ______________________________________________________.
DONE IN OPEN COURT this _______________________day of ___________________________. ______.
CERTIFICATION - State of Washington, County of King
The undersigned, duly authorized clerk of the King County District Court, Washington, hereby certifies that the
document on which this stamp is imprinted is a true and correct copy of the original filed in the Court.
Signed this ______ Day of ___________________, ______.
Court Clerk
(Order Changing Name)
KCDCF #64/98
American LegalNet, Inc.