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State of Wisconsin DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Division of Corporate & Consumer Services NO CURRENT FILING FEE Please check box to request Optional Expedited Service + $25.00 DFI/CORP/601(R01/18) Use of this form in mandatory Page 1 OFFICE USE ONLY FORM 601 Mandatory Statement of Partnership Authority General or Limited Liability Partnership Sec. 178.0303 Wis. Stats. Executed by the undersigned to make known that the following partnership has elected to file with the Department of Financial Institutions a Statement of Partnership Authority: 1. Name of th e partnership : 2. (Typed or printed name and title) (Typed or printed name and title) American LegalNet, Inc. DFI/CORP/601(R01/18) Use of this form in mandatory Page 2 STATEMENT OF PARTNERSHIP AUTHORITY Please provide an email or postal mailing address for the filed copy of the document. Your phone number during the day: INSTRUCTIONS (Ref. sec. 178.0303, Wis. Stats. for document content) Please use BLACK ink. Submit one original to State of WI-Dept. of Financial Institutions, Box 93348, Milwaukee WI, 53293-0348, (fees not yet set by rule), payable to the department. Filing fee is non-refundable. (If sent by Express or Priority U.S. mail, please visit for current physical address). This document can be made available in alternate formats upon request to qualifying individuals with disabilities. The original must include an original manual signature. Upon filing, the information in this document becomes public and might be used for purposes other than those for which it was originally furnished. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Corporate & Consumer Services at 608-261-7577. Hearing-impaired may call 711 for TTY. 1. The name of the partnership. 2. State the name of the state or country under whos laws this partnership has been formed. 3. If the partnership is not a limited liability partnership, the street and mailing addresses of its principal office. 4. If the partnership is a limited liability partnership a registered agent and registered office address in Wisconsin. The partnership may not name itself as registered agent. The registered office must be a physical address. 5. Attach the appropriate statements regarding authority, or limitations on the authority per sec. 178.0303(1)(c) and (d). 6. The document is to be executed by one or more persons authorized by the partnership. American LegalNet, Inc.