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Restated Articles Of Incorporation - Stock For-Profit Corporation Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Stock For Profit Corporation Secretary Of State.
Tags: Restated Articles Of Incorporation - Stock For-Profit Corporation, 8, Wisconsin Secretary Of State, Stock For Profit Corporation
State of Wisconsin DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Division of Corporate & Consumer Services FILING FEE $40.00 Please check box to request Optional Expedited Service + $25.00 DFI/CORP/8 (02/18) Use of this form is voluntary. 1 FORM 8 RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION STOCK FOR - PROFIT CORPORATION Sec. 180.1007 Wis. Stats. The following restated articles of incorporation of , (Corporate name prior to any change effected by this restatement) duly adopted pursuant to the authority and provisions of Chapter 180 of the Wisconsin Statutes, supersede and take the place of the existing articles of incorporation and any amendments thereto: Article 1. Name of the corporation: Article 2. The corporation is organized under Ch. 180 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Article 3. The corporation shall be authorized to issue shares. Article 4. Name of the registered agent: Article 5. Street address of the registered office: ( T he complete address, including street and number, if assigned, and ZIP code. P O Box address may be included as part of the address, but is insufficient alone. ) Article 6. Other provisions (OPTIONAL): Office Use Only American LegalNet, Inc. DFI/CORP/8(02/18) Use of this form is voluntary. 2 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the foregoing restated articles of incorporation A. Does not contain any amendment requiring shareholder approval and were adopted by the board of directors or incorporators. OR B. Contains one or more amendments to the articles of incorporation (NOTE: Select and mark (X) for A. or B. above. C. Executed on (Date) (Signature) Title: President Secretary or other officer title (Printed name) This document was drafted by (Name the individual who drafted the document) INSTRUCTIONS (Ref. sec. 180.1007 Wis. Stats. for document content) Please use BLACK ink. Submit one original along with the required filing fee of $40.00 to the address listed below . Filing fee is non - refundable . The original must include an original manual signature, p er sec. 18 0 .01 20 ( 3 )(c) , Wis. Stats . Mailing Address: State of WI - Dept. of Financial Institutions Box 93348 Milwaukee WI 53293 - 0348 Physical Address for Express Mail: Division of Corporate & Consume r Services Department of Financial Institutions 4822 Madison Yards Way North Tower Madison WI 53705 Phone: 608 - 261 - 7577 TTY: 711 NOTICE: This form may be used to accomplish a filing required or permitted by statute to be made with the department. Information requested may be used for secondary purposes. This document can be made available in alternate formats upon request to qualifying individuals with disabilities. B Amendment(s) adopted on (Date) ( Indicate the method of adoption by checking (X) the appropriate choice below .) In accordance with sec. 180.1002, Wis. Stats. (By the Board of Directors) OR In accordance with sec. 180.1003 and 180.1004, Wis. Stats. (By the Board of Directors and Shareholders) OR In accordance with sec. 180.1005, Wis. Stats. (By Incorporators or Board of Directors, before issuance of shares) American LegalNet, Inc. DFI/CORP/8(02/18) Use of this form is voluntary. 3 RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (Ch. 180, Stock, For-Profit) Please provide an email or postal mailing address for the filed copy of the document. Your phone number during the day: INSTRUCTIONS (continued) Enter the present name of the corporation (before any change effected by the restatement) and continue with the text of the restated articles. The text must contain the information specified for Articles 1 through 5, and may contain additional information that you create in the document. A or B. Complete the certificate, selecting and marking (X) item A or B to indicate whether the restatement was adopted by the board of directors or incorporators, or contains amendments requiring shareholder approval. If item B is used, indicate the date of adoption of the amendments and further mark (X) the appropriate statement in item B to indicate the method of adoption. If an amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification or cancellation of issued shares, state the provisions for implementing the amendment if not contained in the amendment itself. By Board of Directors Refer to sec. 180.1002 for specific information on the character of amendments that may be adopted by the Board of Directors without shareholder action. By Board of Directors and Shareholders Amendments proposed by the Board of Directors and adopted by shareholder approval. Voting requirements differ with circumstances and provisions in the articles of incorporation. See sec. 180.1003, Wis. Stats., for specific information. By Incorporators or Board of Directors Before issuance of shares See sec. 180.1005, Wis. Stats., for conditions attached to the adoption of an amendment approved by a vote or consent of less than 2/3rds of the shares subscribed for. C. Enter the date of execution and the name and title of the person signing the document. The document must be signed by one of the following: An officer of the corporation (or incorporator if directors have not been elected), or a court-appointed receiver, trustee or fiduciary. A director is not empowered to sign. If the document is executed in Wisconsin, sec. 182.01(3) provides that it shall not be filed unless the name of the person (individual) who drafted it is printed, typewritten or stamped thereon in a legible manner. If the document is not executed in Wisconsin, enter that remark. American LegalNet, Inc.