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Application For Registration Of Marks Form. This is a Wisconsin form and can be use in Trademarks - Trade Names Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Application For Registration Of Marks, Wisconsin Secretary Of State, Trademarks - Trade Names
Per chapter 132, Wisconsin Statutes
Filing Fee is $15.00; make checks payable to Department of Financial Institutions
Registration is effective for 10 years.
1. State Full Exact Name of Registrant (Party Registering Mark)
2. If registrant is not an individual person, state the nature or structure of the registrant-for
example, corporation, bank, Limited Liability Company, association, club, partnership, etc.
NOTE: If registrant is required to be licensed or registered with any governmental office, attach copies of
the most recent registration document. Copies are not necessary if the registrant’s documents are on file with
the Corporations Division of the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. For-profit foreign
corporations must be qualified to do business in Wisconsin before this registration can be granted.
3. Describe the type of business and/or goods for which this registration will be used:
4. State registrant’s residence, location, or place of business. An actual physical site is
required, not a post office box.
5. State registrant’s mailing address and telephone:
___________________________________________PHONE: (____)_______________
NOTE: The certificate of registration will be mailed to the above address, unless another is listed here:
Complete “A” or “B”. A separate application and fee are required for each mark.
a. If the mark you wish to register consists of words only, print the word(s) here:
b. If the mark you wish to register consists of words, symbols, pictures, or a
combination, with a distinctive appearance, describe the mark clearly with a
written description, (what does your mark look like?), and enclose two samples of
the mark.
American LegalNet, Inc.
7. The date on which you first use the mark is extremely important. Indicate month and year.
Date of First Use: _________________________________________________________
8. This is _________ an original application or _________ a renewal application.
9. If an attorney or agent is completing this application, please provide the following:
Name (Please Print) ________________________________________________________
Business Address __________________________________________________________
Telephone (________)______________________________________________________
I, Being Duly Sworn, state that: I am the registrant or duly authorized representative of the registrant; the
facts set forth in this application are true; the registrant has the right to the use of the subject of the registration applied
for, and that no other person or persons, firm, partnership, corporation, association of union of workers has such right
either in the identical form or in any such near resemblance thereto as may be calculated to deceive; that any
accompanying originals, copies, photographs, cuts, counterparts, facsimiles, or drawings filed herewith are correct; that
the registrant is not required to be licensed or registered by any government office, or if the registrant is required to be
licensed or registered, true and correct copies of the most recent license or registration document are attached; or that the
registrant is a resident of the United States.
Registrant of Agent must sign below in the presence of a Notary Public.
Signature of Registrant or Agent: ______________________________________
Print Name as Signed Above: _________________________________________
Title of Party who signed above: _______________________________________
State of ___________________
County of _________________
Notary Signature: ________________________________________
My Commission Expires on: _________________________________
Notary must Affix Notarial Seal/Stamp
Office Location
345 W. Washington Ave., 3rd Floor
Madison, WI 53703
Mailing Address
Department of Financial Institutions
Trademark Records
PO Box 7847
Madison, WI 53707-7847
Telephone: (608) 266-8915
American LegalNet, Inc.