Application Re Electronic Devices
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Application Re Electronic Devices Form. This is a New York form and can be use in District Court Federal.
Tags: Application Re Electronic Devices, NYSD SO, New York Federal, District Court
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ___________________________________________ x IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION TO BRING PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE(S) OR GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTING DEVICE(S) INTO THE COURTHOUSES OF THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK FOR USE IN A PROCEEDING OR TRIAL ___________________________________________ x The following Order is subject to the definitions, obligations and restrictions imposed pursuant to Standing Order M10-468, as Revised. Upon submission of written application to this Court, it is hereby ORDERED that the following attorney(s) are authorized to bring the Personal Electronic Device(s) and/or the General Purpose Computing Device(s) (collectively, "Devices") listed below into the Courthouse for use in a proceeding or trial in the action captioned___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________, No. _________. The date(s) for which such authorization is provided is (are) __________________ Attorney 1. 2. 3. (Attach Extra Sheet If Needed) . Device(s) The attorney(s) identified in this Order must present a copy of this Order when entering the Courthouse. Bringing any authorized Device(s) into the Courthouse or its Environs constitutes a certification by the attorney that he or she will comply in all respects with the restrictions and obligations set forth in Standing Order M10-468, as Revised. SO ORDERED: Dated: _____________ ____________________________________________ United States Judge Revised: February 26, 2014 American LegalNet, Inc.