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CAUSE NO. C-1- CR- ________________ THE STATE OF TEXAS VS. ____________________________ � � � � � IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER __________ TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS PLEA OF GUILTY, NO CONTEST, ADMONISHMENTS, VOLUNTARY STATEMENTS, WAIVERS, STIPULATION & JUDICIAL CONFESSION (Defendant Should Initial Appropriate Blanks) I. ADMONISHMENTS, Art. 26.13, C.C.P.: You are hereby admonished in writing: 1. You are charged with the misdemeanor offense (after amendment, if any) of: ______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________. _______ You are pleading guilty or no contest to the charged offense described above. _______ The State moves to reduce the charged offense to _________________________________ ___________________________________________________ and you are pleading guilty to that offense. 2. Punishment Range: The range of punishment for the charged and/or plea-bargained offense is: ______ CLASS A MISDEMEANOR: Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; a fine not to exceed 4,000; or both such fine and confinement. ______ CLASS B MISDEMEANOR: Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days; a fine not to exceed $2,000; or both such fine and confinement. ______CLASS C MISDEMEANOR: A fine not to exceed $500 ______ OTHER: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Plea Bargains: The prosecutor's punishment recommendation is not binding on the Court. If a plea bargain does exist, the Court will inform you in open court before making any finding on your plea whether it will follow the plea agreement. 4. Unnegotiated Plea: If there is no plea bargain, then all non-jurisdictional defects are waived, and you have no right to appeal except for jurisdictional matters. If you are convicted in a non-negotiated plea you have the right to appeal jurisdictional matters to the appropriate Court of Appeals of Texas, and the right to be represented on appeal by an attorney of your choice, but if you are too poor to pay for such attorney or the record on appeal, the Court will, without expense to you, provide an attorney and a proper record for such an appeal. 5. Negotiated Plea & Appeal: If the punishment assessed does not exceed the punishment recommended by the prosecutor and agreed to by you and your attorney, you must receive the Court's permission before you may appeal any matter except matters raised by written motion(s) filed prior to trial. American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Citizenship If you are not a citizen of the United States, whether or not you have lawful immigration status, you should tell your lawyer because you have the right to receive advice from your lawyer about the specific effect, if any, that this case may have on your immigration status. A plea of guilt or no contest, admission of guilt, or conviction may result in detention, removal, deportation, exclusion from the United States, (a determination that you are inadmissible to the U.S.) or denial of naturalization or other immigration benefits pursuant to federal law, depending on the specific facts and circumstances of your case. Your lawyer must investigate and advise you about these issues before you plead no contest or guilty, or admit guilt to this or any offense. If your attorney has not advised you with regard to your immigration consequences to your satisfaction, the court will allow you and your lawyer additional time to consider the appropriateness of the plea in light of this admonishment. You should tell your lawyer if you need more time. 7. Deferred Adjudication: If the Court grants you deferred adjudication community supervision, you may be arrested and detained if you violate any condition imposed on you. You will then be entitled to a hearing without a jury limited to the determination by the Court of whether to proceed with an adjudication of guilt on the original charge. After adjudication of guilt, all proceedings, including assessment of punishment, pronouncement of sentence, granting of community supervision and your right to appeal continue as if adjudication of guilt had not been deferred. Upon adjudication of your guilt, the Court may assess your punishment at any length of time and any fine within the range of punishment. 8. Sexual Offender Registration Requirements: If you receive community supervision or jail term for a Second Violation of Section 21.08 of the Penal Code: Indecent Exposure, as described in Chapter 62(5)(F) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (sex related offenses), you must meet all the registration requirements set out in that chapter. Failure to properly register is a separate criminal offense. By affixing your signatures to this document, you and your attorney are acknowledging that your attorney has advised you about and you are aware of any applicable registration requirements under Chapter 62. 9. Misdemeanor involving family violence, as defined by Section 71.004. Family Code: If you are convicted of a misdemeanor offense involving violence where you are or were a spouse, intimate partner, parent, or guardian of the victim or are or were involved in another, similar relationship with the victim, it may be unlawful for you to possess or purchase a firearm, including a handgun or long gun, or ammunition, pursuant to federal law under 18 U.S.C. section 922(g)(9) or Section 46.04(b), Texas Penal Code. If you have any questions whether these laws make it illegal for you to possess or purchase a firearm, you should consult an attorney. 10. Conditions of Community Supervision: The judge may impose any reasonable condition of community supervision beyond those conditions expressly stated in the plea agreement. The judge may also amend or modify the conditions of supervision at any time during the period of supervision. 11. Driver's License Suspension and Surcharge: The Transportation Code provides that the Department of Public Safety may suspend a driver's license and require payment of surcharges for certain offenses, including Driving While Intoxicated, driving with an invalid, suspended, or no license, possession of certain controlled substances, possession of marijuana, and others. II. VOLUNTARY STATEMENTS: NOW COMES the Defendant in open court in the above styled and numbered cause and after consulting with my attorney, I make the following voluntary statements: 1. I was sane at