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Form 133.26 Texas State Securities Board P.O. Box 13167 Austin, Texas 78711-3167 Request For Determination of Money Market Fund Status for Federal Covered Securities (Pursuant to 123.3(c)) 1. Texas Authorization Number (if any): 2. Issuer: 3. Correspondent: Firm: Address: Telephone: ( ) 4. Enclose a copy of the most recent prospectus and statement of additional information. 5. Enclose the filing fee if the issuer already has a Texas Authorization in effect. 6. TheIssuerherebyrequeststhattheSecuritiesCommissionerdeterminethatit is a Qmoney market fundR for purposes of 123.3, and hereby undertakes that it meets all of the following conditions: (a) The fund must engage in a continuous offering of its securities. (b) The fund must hold itself out to be a money market fund or an equivalent of a moneymarketfundandmust bein compliancewith theInvestmentCompanyAct of 1940, Rule 2a-7, as madeeffective in Securities and ExchangeCommission Release No. IC-13380 andas amendedin Release Nos. IC-14606, IC-14983, IC- 18005, IC-18177, and IC-21837. (c) The fund must not pay or charge sales commissionsor redemption fees except nominal exchange fees which may not be used for sales expenses or in lieu of initial sales charges or redemption fees. (d) ThefundOs totalchargesagainstnetassetsfor salesdistributionactivitiesand/orthe servicing of shareholder accounts must not be in excess of .25% of average net assets per annum. American LegalNet, Inc. A-52 02-24-2004 >>>> 2Form 133.26 (e) With theexceptionof mergers, consolidations,or acquisitionsof assets,or asnoted in Item (f) below, the fundOs investments in otherinvestmentcompaniesmust be limited to: (1) 10% of the fundOs total assets; (2) other investment companies with substantially similar investment objectives; and (3) other investment companies with charges andfees substantiallysimilar to those set forth in Items (c) and (d) above. (f) In the case of a master/feeder fund structure: (1) feederfund(s) must meet, or invest in a master fund which meets, Items (a)-(d) above; (2) when viewed together, the master/feeder fund(s) must meet Items (c) and (d) above; and (3) all feederfunds must haveinvestmentobjectives substantially similar to those of the master fund. (g) If moneymarketstatusis grantedpursuantto 123.3, theIssuerfurtherundertakes to monitor its policies constantly and immediately notify the Securities Commissionerif it no longermeetsthe terms of this undertaking. It also agrees that all future sales shall be calculated pursuant to 123.3. STATE OF COUNTY OF The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he or she has executed the foregoing applicationfor andonbehalfof theIssuernamedtherein;thatheor sheis ___________________ of the Issuerandis fully authorizedto executeandfile the application; that he or she is familiar with the application; and that to the best of his or her knowledge, information, and belief, the statementsmadein the applicationare true andthe documentssubmittedherewithare true copies of the originals thereof. (Signature) Subscribed and sworn tobeforeme the dayof 20______ Notary Public in and for the County of State of (NOTARY SEAL) My commission expires: A-53 02-24-2004 American LegalNet, Inc.